BASE Vision
The long-term vision of the Centre is to address the energy storage challenges associated with the transition to a fossil-free society. The centre vision goes beyond this: the plan is to generate and spread knowledge and know-how by monitoring international activities in the field, by supporting companies dependent on this technology with a deeper understanding of the possibilities and limitations of energy storage, so that they can reap the full potential of advanced batteries in their products and services.
The centre vision in summary:
- Create a World-class academic battery research environment in Sweden with a focus on battery storage materials, components and systems. This region is ideal for this purpose as we already have: experienced and productive academic groups, battery producers and developers, and industrial end-users with increasingly high demands on efficient electrochemical energy storage
- Establish a dedicated industrial environment for electrochemical energy storage, involving SMEs and multinational corporations, with cell fabrication, testing and environmental analysis of storage devices in end-user applications as core competences
- Create a cross-fertilizing environment between academia and industry to promote: the rapid implementation of new scientific breakthroughs into industrial applications, thereby increasing Sweden’s ability to compete in a future battery market
- Realize a dynamic knowledge-based interface with society
The strategy to realise BASE long-term visions
The underlying strategy is to base all activities on the excellent research carried out by the participants within three different broad themes. Scientists and companies will interact to break-down the unmet needs into projects based on specified problems to be solved.
- Emerging concepts
- The Smart Battery Cell
- Modelling and characterization hand-in-hand