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10. Composite electrodes

Project description

The project aims to investigate and compare alternative techniques for the preparation of composite electrodes in Li-ion batteries. For efficient utilization of the active materials and high ionic and electronic conduction the electrode structure is crucial. The demanding design of carbon-fiber-based structural batteries or solid batteries open up for other preparation methods than conventional tape-casting of an ink. Further, alternative methods can also facilitate the inclusion of for instance optical sensors in the electrode in the preparation step. In this project, particularly carbon fiber electrodes are prepared as these are both mechanically and electrochemically convenient to be used inside a secondary battery system. Being lightweight materials, they make the overall mass lighter than the standard battery components. In a structural battery, the multifunctional carbon fibers carry the mechanical loads while storing the electrochemical energy and work as a current collector. Beside spray-coating and electrophoretic deposition techniques, we have so far investigated a novel powder impregnation technique that environmentally friendly impregnate the carbon fibers uniformity with active material, binder and conductive carbon with promising results.

Organisations involved in the project

Description in a picture

10. Composite electrodes

Contact person

PhD student: Yasemin Duygu Yücel, KTH

Project leader: Prof. Rakel Wreland Lindström, KTH


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