07. Recycling technologies: achievable products and challenges related to impurities
Project description
ew technologies have been developed in the research using different techniques of hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. However, there is lack of the information about the final purity of the precursors generated by those processes with respect to metallic components and anions originated from the electrolyte. To really achieve a full utilization of recycled materials in the production of new batteries, it is necessary to determine behaviour, concentration and following effects of the impurities on the battery performance and safety. In this project, current large scale and medium scale recycling technologies will be evaluated, all the specifications of their products will be collected from academic and industrial partners. Moreover, the data from the published research will be collected to map the type of the impurities present in the main precursors, their expected concertation in dependence on the recycling approach and potential effects of those impurities on the battery performance or safety. The outcome of this research will serve as the information bank for the further experimental research within BASE, where all the potential effects will be evaluated at Chalmers by testing relevant impurities and their concentrations in the recycled precursors.
Within the project, the outcomes of recycling methods, which are currently neglected (such as graphite),
are being evaluated. New applications and strategies are being prepared for the utilization of this
material in battery production or in other applications. In parallel, the material change in future batteries
and their effect on the recycling techniques is considered and the possible recycling approaches of
new chemistries (such as solid state and sodium batteries) are discussed with relevant stakeholders.
Organisations involved in the project
Description in a picture

Contact person
Associated professor Martina Petranikova
Chalmers University of Technology