Cross-cutting activities
CC1. Sustainability. Sustainability and circular economy will permeate all activities. Every project started must be subjected to assessment of the “green” potential. Prof. Svanström from Chalmers will focus on LCA of various materials and cell concepts studied within the Centre. The goal is to direct development efforts to give the greatest environmental gains whilst securing resources and reducing dependence on imported raw materials for the battery.
CC2. Gender. Ass.Prof. Anita Hussénius from the Center of Gender Research/UU will work directly with SweBAL in integrating gender perspectives into the activities.
CC3. Communication and outreach. Assoc. Prof. Reza Younesi (coordinating), Prof. Alexandar Matic, and Prof. Göran Lindbergh will be responsible for communication and outreach activities in the Centre.
CC4. Innovation: Requirements and risk assessment. Theme leader: a specially appointed innovation officer from UU Innovation or from the industrial partners.
CC5. Educational Management. Prof. Daniel Brandell, Prof. Patrik Johansson, and Assoc. Prof. Rakel Wreland Lindström, will form an educational team. Our goals are to increase general knowledge and awareness of electrochemical energy storage at different educational levels.